We are the game changer in the auto industry.
The auto industry has a negative reputation for buying and selling a car at a dealership. Traditional methods of buying and selling have only made that reputation worse. We hope to change that. Buying or selling a car should be an amazing and memorable experience. LazyChimp.com makes that happen.
With our vast knowledge of how dealerships, auctions, and traditional selling methods work, we felt we can create a better way. On any day around the country, thousands of dealers attend auctions to buy and sell vehicles. Many of those vehicles come from individuals like yourself who trade in or sometimes outright sell those cars to them. They clean up, transport, and “broker” your car to the dealer that “needs” that vehicle. That's where we come in.
Dealerships AKA the middlemen / “brokers” are eating away at money that belongs to you when selling your car. We set a goal to make the process as hassle-free as possible, skipping the middleman or “broker”. We feel we have done that and would love to hear your comments on how we can do it better. email: ourstory@lazychimp.com
So what's our story, we skip the auction. We are not a broker. We are a website to help you get the highest and best offer for your vehicle. Try us and see our idea work. There is never a commitment and never a cost to sell.
What's with the name Lazy Chimp?
It's catchy right? We wish we could give you an amazing story of how a monkey in the jungles of Africa inspired us, but the fact is we couldn't find a better domain name. We got sick of going on Godaddy.com typing in potential domain names only to find out it had been registered. After months of doing searches, we searched what had been registered and was no longer wanted. A used website if you will, for used cars. We landed on LazyChimp.com. It has no meaning, just a cool name to get your attention.
We are glad you are on our site and hope you experience, THE EASIEST WAY TO SELL A CAR™.
Oh and coming soon……………….the ability to sell motorcycles, ATVs, RV's, boats, heavy equipment, and antique cars.